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At 卡尔弗健康医疗中心, patient safety is our first priority. Our staff is following policies and procedures designed to reduce the chance of mistakes or injury. You can help ensure that you receive the safest care possible.
All staff is REQUIRED to check your identification (your name and birthdate) before giving you medications, drawing blood or performing procedures. This ensures that you get the right medication, blood test or procedure. DO NOT allow any staff member to skip this important step. 这看起来可能是一件小事...but it has been proven to save lives.
You MUST wash your hands well before eating, 上完厕所后, blowing your nose or whenever they are dirty. Good hand hygiene is the very best way to prevent the spread of infection. Our staff is REQUIRED to use good hand washing techniques and to frequently use the waterless hand gels available in every department. It is okay to ask staff members if they have properly washed their hands before you allow them to start your IV, change your dressing or perform other procedures.
You should know about all the things we are doing behind the scenes to keep you safe.
- Communicating effectively as a healthcare team. Studies have shown that most medical errors result from miscommunication.
- Following guidelines to prevent a patient from getting the wrong surgery. A series of safety checks is performed before any patient undergoes surgery at 卡尔弗健康医疗中心.
- Monitoring patients at high risk for falls. Fall precaution information is included in your patient handbook.
- Using safe practices to prevent hospital fires.
- Maintaining our 诊所al equipment and ensuring it is always in good working order.
- Using safe medication practices to prevent medication errors. 卡尔弗健康医疗中心 has identified "high risk drugs" and includes additional safety checks prior to administration. Medical Staff approved protocols guide patient care.
One way you can help prevent medication errors is to maintain a current list of the medications you are taking - including prescription, 非处方药(OTC), 生育控制, 维生素和草药补充剂. A blank medication form is located in the back of your patient handbook. Take a few minutes to fill it out. Keep the list with you at all times and update it as changes are made. Share it with all your physicians and any healthcare facility you visit.
卡尔弗健康医疗中心 has a "STAT TEAM" that can respond to the patient's bedside to assist nursing staff when urgently needed. 病人 and their family members can also request the STAT TEAM for medical emergencies by calling ext.
We encourage all our patients to Speak Up!
- Speak Up if you have questions or concerns, and if you do not understand, ask again. It's your body and you have a right to know.
- Pay attention to the care you are receiving. Make sure you're getting the right treatments and medications by the right healthcare professional. 不要做任何假设.
- Educate yourself about your diagnosis, the medical tests you are undergoing and your treatment plan.
- Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate.
- Know what medications you take and why you take them.
- 去医院, 诊所, surgery center or other type of healthcare organization that has undergone a rigorous on-site evaluation against established quality and safety standards, such as that provided by The Joint Commission.
- Participate in all decisions about your treatment. You are the center of the healthcare team.
On admission to all departments of the hospital, all patients are asked specific questions to determine if the patient would benefit from domestic violence services. This is required by law to provide protection and services to vulnerable persons.